Creative Therapy
Clients of all ages often enjoy working creatively in their counselling sessions. This may include using a variety of creative resources in order to express how you are feeling about your particular challenges. You may find your creative work begins to remind you of how you feel about your circumstances and you begin to gain more clarity which helps you to make decisions about your future.
The best way to work with creative resources is to go with your instinctual responses, try not to plan it too much but allow yourself to be curious and interested. Much of the material you will connect with will come from your unconscious mind. Bringing awareness forward and enabling you to process aspects of self you may not otherwise have thought of.
Try not to judge yourself, you can’t get it wrong. Particularly with art materials people are often taken back to art lessons at school where they consider ‘I can’t draw’, or ‘I was no good at school’. Using art materials can be extremely freeing if you can allow yourself to move past your concerns for ‘not being good enough’
If you can open your mind up to the experience, go with your intuition and be curious about whatever you produce then you are likely to gain deep awareness for your feelings, emotions, relationships, challenges and discover perspectives and choices you might never have thought of through traditional talking methods.
The resources commonly used to work creatively include the following:
Air Drying Clay
Painting, Drawing, Colouring
Coloured pens, crayons, chalks and pastels
Different coloured papers
Cutting, Sticking, Modelling, Creating
Shells, Gems, Buttons. Stones
PlayDoh, Plasticine
Story Cards
Feeling Cards
Picture Cards
Sand tray miniatures
Working with the sand tray
If you feel you would like to work creatively then please speak with Kirsty about this, The possibilities are endless - and the potential for personal growth is enormous!